Tuesday, 5 August 2014

10 Magical photoshop Glow Effects Free Download By Malik Awais

By on 06:59
After a lot of study and searching I figured out that the distance transform plays a key role in implementing almost all the styles. You can see clear evidence of the distance transform by turning on the "Stroke" layer style, setting the fill type to Gradient, and choosing "Shape Burst" for the style.
If you set the Outer Glow style to the "Precise" technique it also shows direct evidence of a canonical distance transform. But what is the algorithm used for the "Soft" technique? It does not look like a distance transform. At least, not directly. There seems to be some sort of blur. But its not a blur because I try blurring the mask using similar settings, and doing a difference calculation on the outer glow versus my blurred mask.

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