How to Earn Money Using Infolinks.Com

By on 07:32

 How to Earn money Using infolinks.Com

Hy Guys
 in this Second Tutorial I Will Be Able to teach u About Online Earning

Can Online Earning Is Possible?

 Yes, it is possible to earn money online using internet
but all of the websites which says that they can pay instantly
it's Wrong that they can pay you
But many of websites are truly pay you

These Are best Paying Websites

  2. Infolinks
  3. Adsense
  4. Media.Net
  5. Bidvertiser

Now In This Tutorial I Will Teach You About Infolinks.Com 

 What Is Infolinks?

Infolinks Is An Online Advertising Platform Which offer Advertising products For Publisher ther products are included in frame text ad ,in search, and in tags.

Info link Provide Us Two Type Of Accounts
  1. Advertiser
  2. Publisher
 How to Earn Money with InfoLinks?
What is InfoLinks and how does it generate money for you? That's the first question knocking in your head. InfoLinks is a publisher and advertiser network, that display in text advertisements on the blogs / website of approved publishers. Advertisers pay InfoLinks to derive traffic or sales to their products, while InfoLinks have a pool of publishers across the globe, publishers display those non-intrusive in text advertisements on their blogs, when a visitor on publisher's blog / website views or clicks on that advertisement, that publisher gets credited with a certain share of money. Once the publisher reaches minimum $50 in the account, InfoLinks issues the payment to their publisher within 45 days either through Paypal, Payoneer, Bank Wire or Check. InfoLinks makes profit by the difference in cost they charge to an advertiser and the revenue they share with their publishers. That's a Win, Win & Win situation for three of us, Advertisers, InfoLinks Company and the Publishers.

InfoLinks Best Combination with Google Adsense

The company also claims that they are the best fit with Google Adsense. If you are already using Google Adsense on your blog to generate money, Infolinks will help to add a bit more to your current earnings. Recently InfoLinks has also formed a partnership with Google's Ad Exchange and offering its premium publishers the opportunity to signup with Google Ad Exchange and show ads which generate higher amount of revenue for you.
You Can Earn money Using Infolinks Publisher Account by posting infolinks adverisment on your sites it must that your site trafic is about 1000 to 1500 visitor daily to earn more and more money

InfoLinks Publisher Reporting System
InfoLinks provide you with a transparent reporting system from where you can easily track the performance of your websites / blogs and see how much revenue you have been generating with InfoLinks with a particular site, you can choose the range of dates to locate in which month you have made more money with Infolinks or if your blog's performance is going down, then you can try out other alternatives to InfoLinks. The report also shows the ad views, ads eCPM and the final earnings being generated for you.

How to create an infolinks publisher account?

Its Very Easy To create A Infolinks publisher account simple reguirments are needed
  1. A blog or site about 1000 to 1500 visitor daily
  2. update your blog after two days 
  3. 60 post must be on your blog
  4. don;t copy any thing from any other site
To create a free infolinks publisher account follow my steps

Step 1. Click Here
Step 2.Click On Join Us Button Above
Step 3.Enter Your Blog,Website URL ,Your Full Name ,Password ,conferm password ,capture

Step 4.Click Join Us Button
Step 5. After some days Infolinks Company Send you A link THat your Blog Is approval by Infolinks
Step 6. Get Code From Your infolinks Account And Paste In Your Blogger Gadget
Step 7. Start Earning And After A mounth Get Payout Of 50& From Infolinks

Enjoy..... And Thanks For Watching
Allah Hafiz







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